Historic Mt. Zion AME Church Feeds First Coast Kids Over Spring Break

In early March, the Blessings in a Backpack First Coast Chapter received a call from Fatima Wright with the Historic Mt. Zion AME Young People’s Division asking what they could to help feed hungry children. With Spring Break right around the corner, Susan Evans, managing director of Blessings First Coast, told her about the immediate need at Blessings school partner Richard Lewis Brown Gifted and Talented Academy.
This group heard the call and, working quickly, fundraised enough money to provide 50 Blessings students with extra weekend food packs so they would not go hungry over Spring Break… and several weeks after that!
“I am thankful we can make a difference,” said Mt. Zion Pastor Victor D. Cole. “Peace and Blessings.”
We truly appreciate this act of kindness from Pastor Cole, Fatima Wright, and the Mount Zion AME Church congregation. Their support provided weekend meals to many of our most needy students who may not know where their next meal will come from.