Partner With Us

Your company can help us to feed kids in Jacksonville on the weekends!
Blessings in a Backpack provides corporate partners powerful and compelling opportunities to demonstrate their commitment to supporting the health and well-being of the children in our nation facing food insecurity. Through a variety of engaging programs, Blessings in a Backpack partners can contribute their time, talent, and treasure to feed the kids this weekend, while meeting their own business goals.
Blessings in a Backpack partnership opportunities include:
» School “Sponsorship” with a financial donation to support specific First Coast schools. This can be paired with employee volunteers to pack bags of food as frequently as desired during the school year.
» Sponsorship of a signature event. Click here to see our upcoming events.
» Cause marketing campaign, such as a percentage of proceeds, dollar per item sold, or point-of-purchase donation request.
» Employee packing events that Blessings in a Backpack coordinates either in a conference room/office facility, off-site conference venue, or at a partner school. Click here to learn more.
» Workplace giving payroll deduction, dress down days, or other in-office fundraising campaigns.
» Mobilize networks by rallying employees, customers, and suppliers to raise funds to provide hunger-free weekends.
» Participation of executives and other professionals in volunteer leadership positions on the Blessings in a
Backpack First Coast Chapter Advisory Board or event committees.
» Corporate match for a national giving campaign, such as Giving Tuesday.
If you would like to learn more about Blessings in a Backpack and how we can work together to ensure hunger-free weekends for kids along the First Coast, please submit the form below or email